It’s just the beginning


My gym’s sixty day challenge is over and even though food wise I didn’t do as well as I had hoped, I did everything I could on the working out part. I ended up gaining weight overall, but since it’s all muscle I’m very satisfied with that. Continue reading

Healthy kickstart

Make Fit Happen 1

I’ve started my last semester of college 3 weeks ago and I’m loving my classes. I’m only taking 2 classes and then I’ll have my Personal Trainer certificate, which is very exciting. One of the classes mostly focuses on how to coach and how to give one-on-one training. The other class is a workout class, which is great to help me get in shape before I take a job as a Personal Trainer.  Continue reading

Take a break & enjoy the view


Sometimes, people tend to overdo. It often happens to me and then I end up injured on my foot or back, or something else that makes me feel bad comes up. Whenever I run, I need to take breaks. Not only because I feel tired or because I’m thirsty. Sometimes I just take a break because, especially when I’m running at the strand, I’m falling in love with the view. Continue reading

March Workout Schedule

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Training for a half marathon is not an easy thing to do. It asks for a lot of motivation, dedication and will power. You can’t just show up at the race without months of preparation. I tell you, that would be mission impossible.

Next to running 5 days a week, I also have a weight lifting class (1,5 hour) on Monday and Wednesday evening and since I would love to actually have abs when showing off in my bikini in a couple of months, I added the Lorna Jane Ab Challenge to my workout week too.  Continue reading