
Instagram JuneJulyAugust

I used to always post my most liked pictures of Instagram on the blog, but since the last couple of months were so busy for me and I barely had the time to even open up my computer and start typing a blog post, I didn’t really keep up with this monthly blog tradition. That’s why I decided to just do a post on my most liked pictures of the summer! Continue reading



It’s almost June, but I didn’t share my most popular Insta posts of April yet. April was an amazing month. Not only did I meet my favorite fashion blogger Julie Sariñana, aka Sincerely Jules, but I also ran a warrior dash, spent a lot of time at the beach, scored an Armani outfit and hiked in Topanga State Park. Talk about an active month. 😉 Continue reading


InstaFebruary 2

February flew by! It’s such a short month, you know?! It started off with the Super Bowl and ended with my birthday, which means it started and ended with pizza and cupcakes. It wasn’t the healthiest month for me, because after the Superbowl was done and we ate all the leftovers, I got injured on my ankle and then I got sick, which basically meant that I didn’t run too much this month and my body is not in the nicest shape! March is going to be different though, and I’ll share with you why in the post I’m going to write tomorrow, so stay tuned! 😉

1. Santa Barbara boardwalk
2. Sometimes we have rain in California (believe it or not!)
3. My favorite book
4. This little guy was following me at school

5. Célfie on my birthday
6. Feeling like Marissa Cooper in Manhattan Beach
7. Watching the Manhattan Beach sunset
8. Flowers and leopard look fabulous together

9. Heart pastry & Valentine’s Day crafts with the baby
10. Heart shaped pizza & flowers are my favorite
11. Slaiden likes chasing the birds

InstaFebruary 1

1. Redondo Beach Super Bowl 10k
2. Super Bowl SeaHawks party
3. Hermosa Beach Pier scares the baby

4. Hermosa Beach looks like the desert
5. Reflections of the Hermosa Beach Pier fill the sand
6. View from the Santa Barbara Pier

7. Santa Barbara boats
8. El Camino College
9. Seeing the world upside down on the Hermosa Beach Pier

Insta January

Insta January

January flew by! I can’t believe how time is flying lately. I’ve been pretty busy, but this first month of 2014 was a really good month for me.

I got to spend the first week of January with my friends and family in Belgium. The second week I flew back to LA and ever since I’ve been busy 24/7. I’m being an au pair during the day, a student at night and a tourist during the weekend. I love it though! Continue reading

Thanksgiving inspiration

20131125-161350.jpgIt’s that time of the year again… Thanksgiving week! It’s my first thanksgiving ever and I’m so excited! Yesterday we drove from Redondo Beach to Palm Desert as we are going to spend this holiday in the desert.

As for what they told me, thanksgiving week means lots of YOLO-food. And as the people who know me know, I’m all in for YOLO-food! 😉 For the last couple of weeks I have been running a lot and I was planning to continue working out as much as I could here too, because the place where we are staying at has the nicest gym! Unfortunately I’m injured and I just can’t run! I should go see a doctor, but I haven’t had time for that. Also I’m afraid of what he might say, because I love running and working out and I don’t want to put that on hold. On thursday we are going to do a 5k turkey run in Palm Springs, for which I’m super excited, and if my back isn’t better by the end of the week, I’ll go for a check up! 😉 Anyway my point is, I deserved a YOLO-week full of my favorite food.

I’m in charge of the mashed potatoes and the appetizers and what’s a better place to look for inspiration than Pinterest? 😉

How do you decide on the things you’re going to make? Where do you guys celebrate this holiday?


InstaMeet: #foggypierpressure – part 1


While browsing through Instagram I found this really talented guy @petehalvorsen who was always posting these amazing videos of the place where I’m currently living.

On one of his pictures he mentioned something about an InstaMeet which really caught my attention. Saturday was the day so I went there and took a bunch of pictures just like all the other people who were there.  Continue reading