
Beach 15-01 (10 of 16)

Home is not a place. It’s a feeling!

Ever since the beginning of the year, we’ve been trying to go see as many sunsets as possible and they have been amazing. I’ve seen all kinds of gorgeous ‘paintings in the sky’. The sky just gets a mix of pink, blue, purple and yellow and it’s hard not to be amazed by its beauty.  Continue reading

Looking for pine cones on the trail

Trail (5 of 10)

Back in October when the leaves started coming off the trees and there were pine cones everywhere, I took Slaiden and his bear to the trail close to our house and let him run around free and enjoy the nature. I remember that back when I was little I loved playing with all the leaves and the other things I found on the ground outside. Of course I was a little older than him from what I remember, but knowing how active he is I knew it would be the perfect activity.  Continue reading

Long eyelashes & freckles

Bath (2 of 4)

Slaiden loves the water. He probably asks me if he can go take a bath about 5 times a day and when he’s in it’s hard to get him out of the water. Since our bathroom is a pretty clear space with white backgrounds and I don’t really have anything to do but to watch him while he’s playing in the water, I decided to take some cute head shots of him being a busy bee in the tub.  Continue reading

Meet Mister Grumpy

Grumpy  (1 of 5)

Slaiden is the happiest little guy I know. He usually always has a smile on his face, except for those times when he wakes up before 7. Then he’s very grumpy the whole day long. On days like those I know that it’s going to be hard to take him to the park or any other place out of the house because I know that he’s tired and whatever I’ll do with him, won’t make him any happier. He usually is very sneaky on days like that too. Before you know it, he’ll be dancing on a table, looking for your reaction. Or he will go ring the door bell a couple of times, because he knows that dog will bark very loud. Continue reading

Cake Lover


After all the latest travel posts, I decided that it was time to share some more pictures of people/kids. Kids are always my favorite photography subject. They are cute, spontaneous and they often really like being in pictures. I took all these pictures on Slaiden’s first birthday party. I personally love the pictures of the babies eating cake and the pictures of Slaiden with his cousins Ashley and Logan. They are super cute and sweet kids and they love their baby cousin! Continue reading

Loving him is so easy…


Three months ago, I met this little baby boy for the first time. He was so small and very cute! I’ve been taking care of him for a while and now I’m back home for the holidays. I’m sitting here and wondering how easily it was for me to fall in love with this little guy.

A baby is such a little person who still has to learn everything in life, but even though they have only been in this world for a little time, they can bring so much joy to all of us.

Sometimes taking care of a baby is hard. Sometimes they are crying and you don’t know why. Sometimes they spit their food out right in your face. Sometimes they pull your hair because they think it’s funny. Little babies are always in action. They are watching around, crawling around, talking in their own little language. They just have to give you a little smile, or come to you for a hug and your heart gets filled with joy.

Slaiden is only 10 months old, but if I see how much he can do at his age I’m amazed. When I go to his room in the morning and he pulls himself up in his crib with a big smile, that’s the perfect start of my day. When I see him walking around, I start smiling. When he is reading in his books like a big boy, I think it’s the cutest thing ever. When he takes the spoon while I’m feeding him because he wants to do it all by himself, I’m amazed by what he can do. When he comes to me and grabs my leg, I fall in love, over and over again.

I miss him so much and I can’t wait till I’m back there to play, walk and just be with him!

Who is your most loved one? What makes you love that person even more? Please let me know in the comments below!


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