Pumpkin Patch in Long Beach

Pumpkin patch

On Monday we went to the a pumpkin patch in Long Beach with the fam’. We dressed Slaiden as batman for the occasion and he was incredibly cute, walking around there. The whole little trip was super exciting for him, because he could walk between all the pumpkins, watch the animals and just get to know a new place and tradition! Continue reading

Fun Fall Cash Giveaway


Hi guys,

I cooperated with a bunch of other bloggers to give every one of you the chance to win $1200 USD in cash. Who wouldn’t want to win this amount of money at this time of the year right?! It’s almost Christmas which means loooots of presents to buy and for the Belgian people who are following my blog, Sinterklaas is coming up! All the information about this giveaway and what you have to do in order to make a chance to win is in the description below! Good luck everyone!

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InstaMeet: #foggypierpressure – part 1


While browsing through Instagram I found this really talented guy @petehalvorsen who was always posting these amazing videos of the place where I’m currently living.

On one of his pictures he mentioned something about an InstaMeet which really caught my attention. Saturday was the day so I went there and took a bunch of pictures just like all the other people who were there.  Continue reading