Silhouette of happiness

Silhouette family (3 of 4)

Photography is not all about people looking cute, having a nice smile or being photogenic. For me it’s more about capturing moments and seeing happiness in people without even seeing their facial expression. I love this picture because it has everything what I just said. It’s a young family who took their 2 year old and 1 month old out to see the sunset. It’s little moments like this that make life so beautiful. The kids might not remember this moment, but when they look back at this picture in a couple of years, they will be able to see how great it is to enjoy the little things in life with ones you love.  Continue reading

Happy faces

Cayos Cochinos (20 of 32)

Good morning guys!

I hope everyone is having a great start of the new week! I can’t believe that it’s almost the end of August. Summer flew by! Next week I’m starting school again and this semester I’m taking one photography class and a bunch of classes to get my personal trainer certificate. So excited for all that!  Continue reading

4th of July Block Party


Living in another country brings lots of new experiences. Experiences that we often know from the movies we saw or the books we read. The Fourth of July or Independence Day is a national holiday in the United States on which the americans think back of the day on which they were declared independent from Great Britain, in 1776. On this special holiday people rise up their American flags, wear clothes with the patterns of the flag, watch fireworks and spend time with friends and family. Continue reading

Cake Lover


After all the latest travel posts, I decided that it was time to share some more pictures of people/kids. Kids are always my favorite photography subject. They are cute, spontaneous and they often really like being in pictures. I took all these pictures on Slaiden’s first birthday party. I personally love the pictures of the babies eating cake and the pictures of Slaiden with his cousins Ashley and Logan. They are super cute and sweet kids and they love their baby cousin! Continue reading

Dear ‘Sinterclaus’…


In Belgium we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving and Halloween isn’t a reason for throwing a huge party, but we have something that the American kids don’t have. We have Sinterklaas. Sinterklaas is an old man from Spain, who brings comes to Belgium and Holland the 6th of December to bring kids the toys they want. He has lots of helpers, who are called the ‘zwarte pieten’ or black peters. He also has a horse who helps carrying all the toys. Continue reading

Fashion kids

I have been surfing a lot on the Internet lately, and there are appearing more and more ‘fashion kids’ on websites. In this post I added some of the pictures I saved on my computer because I think those kids look adorable! I really wonder what their parents look like and how they are dressed.

I especially love the hipster kid on the first picture! His glasses are bigger than his head, which makes him supercute! Gotta love his style!

I’m also in love with the outfit of the girl in the last picture. I would love to wear her outfit myself! It’s classy and it looks really comfortable 😀

Coolest kid cute1 cute2 Fashion kid red

What do you think about the fact that parents dress their kids like that?
(Leave a reaction if you can!)
