
Two (9 of 42)

Guess who turned 2 this week?! I started taking care of Slaiden when he was 7,5 months old. He was such a cute little baby back then and he turned out to be an amazing little boy! He’s so loving and sweet and I couldn’t feel happier to have him in my life.  Continue reading


Beach 15-01 (10 of 16)

Home is not a place. It’s a feeling!

Ever since the beginning of the year, we’ve been trying to go see as many sunsets as possible and they have been amazing. I’ve seen all kinds of gorgeous ‘paintings in the sky’. The sky just gets a mix of pink, blue, purple and yellow and it’s hard not to be amazed by its beauty.  Continue reading

Maty’s Healthy Products

Maty's Health Products (2 of 9)

Today’s post is dedicated to some of the Maty’s Healthy Products that I love to use for both Slaiden and myself. I tested out 3 products. My favorite one was the baby chest rub, which was basically the same thing as the All Natural Vapor Rub that I use for myself. Slaiden loves our little ritual of putting the cream on his chest and he loves doing it himself. I’m sure it feels good too, because he comes to me several times a day with the little box in his hands and wants me to open it so he can put on some more. I love how careful he is with it! He just puts a tiny bit of cream on his little finger and then kinda dips it on his skin. Very cute.

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Looking for pine cones on the trail

Trail (5 of 10)

Back in October when the leaves started coming off the trees and there were pine cones everywhere, I took Slaiden and his bear to the trail close to our house and let him run around free and enjoy the nature. I remember that back when I was little I loved playing with all the leaves and the other things I found on the ground outside. Of course I was a little older than him from what I remember, but knowing how active he is I knew it would be the perfect activity.  Continue reading

Long eyelashes & freckles

Bath (2 of 4)

Slaiden loves the water. He probably asks me if he can go take a bath about 5 times a day and when he’s in it’s hard to get him out of the water. Since our bathroom is a pretty clear space with white backgrounds and I don’t really have anything to do but to watch him while he’s playing in the water, I decided to take some cute head shots of him being a busy bee in the tub.  Continue reading

He’s almost a big brother

Maternity BW (6 of 10)

I’ve been wanting to do a really cool shoot with Stacy and Slaiden for a while now and this week we finally found the perfect time to do it! We went over to Veterans Park in Redondo Beach and took a couple of quick shots. We forgot to bring quarters for the parking meter so we literally had like 15 minutes to get the shots done. I had all kinds of things in mind for the pictures, so I knew it wouldn’t be a problem to do the shoot in little time.  Continue reading

The first pumpkin patch of the year

Pumpkin patch (9 of 17)

This weekend, I drove by a pumpkin patch on my way to a health event and as it was not that far from my house (about a half an hour walk) I decided to take Slaiden the next day. We walked all the way up to the pumpkin patch and he absolutely loved it. He still doesn’t really know what a pumpkin is though. He was yelling ‘ball’ the whole time and trying to kick it. The owners’ little girl was helping us out and showing us all the different sizes of the pumpkins and even though she was probably only 6 years old, she did a great job and Slaiden loved hanging out with her! They were interacting so well! Running together, playing hide and seek… They did it all. Continue reading


Pinkberry (2 of 4)

Normally I go to Pinkberry every week. It’s a thing for Slaiden and I. We both love to try the different flavors and pick out our favorite toppings. I’m usually choosing for half coconut and half chocolate hazelnut flavor. If you haven’t tried it before, you should try it! It tastes amazing! Continue reading

Little guy, big trees

Tour Alice (13 of 23)

Have you ever been watching something that made you think how amazing nature is? I was watching Slaiden run in between all these trees that were 10 or 20 times taller than he is and it just amazed me. Those trees are probably hundreds of years old and have many more years to live, while this is all so new still for Slaiden. In the 19 months of his life he has been to lots of places and he has seen many things, but he hasn’t been climbing in lots of trees yet. Getting the chance to do this in Moss City was amazing.  Continue reading