Beach essentials


Since summer is coming closer and we all like to look good and get inspired, I decided that I’d dedicate today’s post on some of my beach essentials. I live in Redondo Beach, California, and we basically have summery weather all your long, so I have lots of different favorites that I’d take. These are some of my go-to picks! Continue reading

Cake Lover


After all the latest travel posts, I decided that it was time to share some more pictures of people/kids. Kids are always my favorite photography subject. They are cute, spontaneous and they often really like being in pictures. I took all these pictures on Slaiden’s first birthday party. I personally love the pictures of the babies eating cake and the pictures of Slaiden with his cousins Ashley and Logan. They are super cute and sweet kids and they love their baby cousin! Continue reading

Workspace inspiration

Something that is really important for me in a house is to have your own space. Sometimes I like to be by myself for the day and do the things I like without others questioning what I’m doing.

When I have a day like that, I tend to be creative. I start scrapbooking for example, which is something I really need space for. When I’m doing that there are papers, painting, tape, stickers and bows everywhere. As I still live with my parents at the moment, I’m happy to be able to do those things in my own room, because they would really worry when they would see all the mess I’ve made after crafting for a while!

I’d like to have a workspace that is white, because it brings light into the room and to me white is really classy. I would go for one color accent though, but I haven’t decided what color I’d pick.

Something I else I need is a big table, not just a little one like you see on some of those pictures, because I need my space.

I’d put black-and-white pictures that I’ve taken on the wall and I’d use some inspirational quotes to give the space a more personal touch!

I’m so looking forward to have my own place and to start designing what it will look like! I have lots of ideas already! Now I just have to earn enough money to realize my dream office!



Workspace 3

Workspace 4

Workspace 5

Workspace 6

Workspace 7