Drive through San Francisco

SF (3 of 11)

During last month’s road trip we made a very quick stop in San Francisco as it was on our way to Slaiden’s grandparents. We basically drove through and saw the iconic bridge, Lombard Street and some view points. After having taken a couple of pictures like that, we parked the car and walked by the water. I loved seeing all the sea lions by Pier 39, but I couldn’t believe the amount of tourists I saw (I believe we were there on a Wednesday!).  Continue reading

Loving him is so easy…


Three months ago, I met this little baby boy for the first time. He was so small and very cute! I’ve been taking care of him for a while and now I’m back home for the holidays. I’m sitting here and wondering how easily it was for me to fall in love with this little guy.

A baby is such a little person who still has to learn everything in life, but even though they have only been in this world for a little time, they can bring so much joy to all of us.

Sometimes taking care of a baby is hard. Sometimes they are crying and you don’t know why. Sometimes they spit their food out right in your face. Sometimes they pull your hair because they think it’s funny. Little babies are always in action. They are watching around, crawling around, talking in their own little language. They just have to give you a little smile, or come to you for a hug and your heart gets filled with joy.

Slaiden is only 10 months old, but if I see how much he can do at his age I’m amazed. When I go to his room in the morning and he pulls himself up in his crib with a big smile, that’s the perfect start of my day. When I see him walking around, I start smiling. When he is reading in his books like a big boy, I think it’s the cutest thing ever. When he takes the spoon while I’m feeding him because he wants to do it all by himself, I’m amazed by what he can do. When he comes to me and grabs my leg, I fall in love, over and over again.

I miss him so much and I can’t wait till I’m back there to play, walk and just be with him!

Who is your most loved one? What makes you love that person even more? Please let me know in the comments below!


Thanksgiving 201311302013_1810 Continue reading

Dear ‘Sinterclaus’…


In Belgium we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving and Halloween isn’t a reason for throwing a huge party, but we have something that the American kids don’t have. We have Sinterklaas. Sinterklaas is an old man from Spain, who brings comes to Belgium and Holland the 6th of December to bring kids the toys they want. He has lots of helpers, who are called the ‘zwarte pieten’ or black peters. He also has a horse who helps carrying all the toys. Continue reading

South Coast Botanic Garden


As I told you earlier this week I visited a Botanic Garden in Palos Verdes. Gardens mean flowers and flowers mean great opportunities to take some really cool shots! I loved all the different flowers and the beautiful colors, along with the company of a really cool group of people.

I recommend all the starting photographers among you to take the time to enjoy my pictures, to go out and to start practicing your photography skills by taking pictures of flowers. You can experiment with the possibilities of your camera and you can learn a lot like that, because flowers are not a moving object, which makes it the perfect object to put in the spotlight! Continue reading

Pumpkin Patch in Long Beach

Pumpkin patch

On Monday we went to the a pumpkin patch in Long Beach with the fam’. We dressed Slaiden as batman for the occasion and he was incredibly cute, walking around there. The whole little trip was super exciting for him, because he could walk between all the pumpkins, watch the animals and just get to know a new place and tradition! Continue reading

InstaMeet: #foggypierpressure – part 1


While browsing through Instagram I found this really talented guy @petehalvorsen who was always posting these amazing videos of the place where I’m currently living.

On one of his pictures he mentioned something about an InstaMeet which really caught my attention. Saturday was the day so I went there and took a bunch of pictures just like all the other people who were there.  Continue reading



I love having healthy snacks! I have to admit that I often eat unhealthy! I have this paprika crisps addiction and I can just start eating them until I finish a whole bag!

Ok, I admitted my YOLO-addiction but as I said I do love healthy snacks too! This time I chose to go for an orange snack! I made fresh orange juice and cut some additional oranges to eat just like that and that combined with reading a book made it a perfect afternoon to me!

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