A new start

KingKong (4 of 8)

As you’ve probably seen, it’s been a while since I covered a ‘health post’. A couple of months ago I gained a large number of followers due to my healthy post and I feel like I should keep writing about my ways to stay healthy not only for them, but for me too. 

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Friends who feel like family


I’m from a family with 3 girls. I’m the oldest one and have a sister who’s 1 year younger and one who’s 4 years younger. Even though in theory I have 2 sisters, I feel like I have 3 sisters. In 2009, I lived in Honduras for a year and the family a lived with had 3 boys and a girl. The little girl was just a baby back then, but I fell in love with her the moment I met her.  Continue reading

The cutest boy in the cutest swim shorts


Since we’re living in California and we’re spending a lot of time at the beach, it’s essential for the baby to have lots of swim gear! Whenever I say ‘beach’ Slaiden runs off to the remote of the garage to open it, so I can get his stroller and his little bucket out of there. As we come closer to the beach he will point at the water and once I get him out of the stroller he’s on the loose! Continue reading

Rio Coto


Honduras is a beautiful country. One that I carry in my heart. The first weekend I spent in Honduras, 2 weeks ago, my host family took me to Rio Coto where we met up with our neighbors. We ate the most delicious en fresh fried fish with tajadas and rice and beans. We swam in the water, jumped off the little pier, took some great GoPro footage, build sandcastles, took a ride on the banana boat and just enjoyed the great view of the surroundings. Continue reading