Motivational Monday: Just go for it!


When I first start working out after not working out for a while I always feel so energetic and I promise myself to go to the gym like 5 days a week for an hour. Now that I’m a little older (I’m 22, not that old!) I get that I shouldn’t set goals for that and that I should listen to my body.

In June I subscribed for 3 months at the gym and those months are almost over, but I won’t stop working out because I’m going to live near a beach where I can run and I’m going to do the #Sweatember workout of Blogilates!

Last week I had to work a lot so I barely had time to go to the gym but even when I found myself there for just 20 minutes to half an hour I felt great about it! I can run 5 km in 30 minutes which is great for me and I always feel so great after finishing those runs!

How much time a week do you spend working out? Let me know in the comments below! 😉


5 thoughts on “Motivational Monday: Just go for it!

  1. CourtLeanne @princessandthejog says:

    I know exactly what you mean about listening to your body, I am 23 and learning the same lesson. I work out about 3 times a week. But sometimes I only get 1 or 2 work outs in (or none on a super busy/bad week). But I’ve learned not to beat myself up for it and make up for the lost workouts when I can.

    • juliecrombe says:

      Yeah sometimes my body is so sore and I still go working out with the result that I can barely walk for the rest of the week! Listening to your body is so important! Thanks for commenting!

  2. girlychristina says:

    I try to spend at least 30 mins a day working out, with one or two rest days a week. Whenever I am not feeling like working out, I just tell myself “If you can waste 30 mins on Pinterest/Facebook/online shopping then you can make time to work out!” And it works! =) Thanks for the motivation to keep going, we’re all in this together!

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